Monday, June 29, 2009

Wonderful Literacy Games

Check out this site for so great literacy games. Test your knowledge on oppsites and words with similar meanings.


  1. i have really enjoyed learning about air becausewe had got into groups and had an earea to learn about. my grouips was oxygen. the most amazing facts was .....
    oxygen is the strong part of air.

  2. I enjoyed learning science in air because it is something new and the expeirements are fun like the plastic bag where you have to blow into it and see how much air is in it.I learned from the expeirment is air moves all around us.
    I think the worm farm is going well too.It is good having a worm from because it saves us money.From Josephine.

  3. It has been so cool learning about air this term and doing lots and lots of cool experiments. one of them was .... is air every where so we got a funnil some blue tak a beker and a cup of water. so we got this beker and stuck the blue tak on top then we got the funnle and stuck it on the blue tak so it made a seal .then we poured the water but it did not go in because the air holded it up. it was so cool.From Grant Heyns

  4. I have enjoyed learning about decimals and fractions because it's a bit easy but hard because at first it was interesting and I didn't know much but now I know lots about decimals and fractions

  5. I enjoyed learning how to read lexile books
    because you get sertificates and you learn
    more words and get hooked in the reader.I really liked reading books and hopefuly
    will move up.from Ella

  6. I really enjoyed leaning about air because we did a experiment on can we remove air and this what happend we put a piece of paper in the jar and then we lit the piece of paper on fire. then we put the egg on top on top of the jar and then it got sucked in very slowly by christian

  7. I enjoyed the lexile reading this term.
    It was a chalenge to see how much words you could read,and what your level was.


  8. I enjoyed lerning about air because I liked the big 3 week project about air. The worm farm was my favourite thing because the lady from the counsil come to talk about the worms and what they can eat and not eat . it was fun the last 2terms . We learnt a lot of thngs. by Antonia

  9. I enjoyed lexile this term cause I made a big inprovement by 250 it was a big challeng for me to see how much I can read an how many levels I could go up /sam busby

  10. Those games are cool,but is there any more games there can be
    from josephine.
